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RxCalculations Launches Pharmaceutical Calculations Online Question Bank

New online question bank helps pharmacy students master pharmaceutical calculations and prepare for the NAPLEX® Exam.

CHICAGO – Jan. 3, 2018— RxCalculations, a leading global educational service platform focused on pharmaceutical calculations, today announced the launch of NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank. This new product offering is currently the largest pharmaceutical calculations question bank on the market. With this new product, RxCalculations is responding to a market demand for a comprehensive online calculations question bank which simulates calculations on the NAPLEX® exam. NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank is available for a low monthly subscription price by visiting the RxCalculations website.

NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank leverages several benefits of an online testing platform allowing students to practice wherever and whenever they want. It is composed of over 1000 practice questions covering all pertinent topics in compounding and professional practice including flowrate calculations, milliequivalents, total parenteral nutrition (TPN), reconstitution, dosage calculations, aliquots and concentrations. Importantly, the NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank also offers an appropriate platform for pharmacy students to practice NAPLEX® type short answer questions and get acquainted with timing constraints likely to be experienced on the NAPLEX® exam.

“We recognized that pharmaceutical calculations is probably the number one reason pharmacy students end up failing the NAPLEX® exam, this is perhaps even more true since the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP®) switched from the multiple choice format to the short answer format,” says RxCalculations CEO, Michael Danquah, MS, PhD, “Prior to the change, students could guess the answer to a question and occasionally get it right even if they did not know how to solve the problem. Now that is not possible. That is why we have expanded our product line to include a pharmaceutical calculations tool to help students assess their exam readiness as well as work on identified weaknesses. This new product definitely helps students develop the accuracy and speed needed to excel on the board exams.”

NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank Features:
•NAPLEX® type short answer and multiple choice calculations questions with answers.
•Untimed tests for each topic designed for self-paced content review and to improve accuracy.
•Three different levels of timed tests for each topic designed to systematically improve speed while maintaining accuracy. Level 3 timed tests designed to ensure questions can be solved in less than 90 seconds.
•Comprehensive tests (40 questions each) strategically designed to cultivate mental stamina.
•Bonus: Free 1 hour biweekly question and answer webinar sessions.

Pricing and Availability:
Subscription plans are conveniently offered at monthly, quarterly or semi-yearly intervals. Interested students can sign up by visiting the RxCalculations NAPLEX® Calculations Question Bank (https://www.rxcalculations.site/naplex-calculations-quest…)  page.

About RxCalculations
RxCalculations is a leading developer and provider of top quality pharmaceutical calculations products to help prospective and practicing pharmacists all over the world resolve one of the biggest challenges related to their profession. To learn more about RxCalculations, visit: https://www.rxcalculations.com and join our social Media Community: https://www.facebook.com/pharmaceuticalcalculations/ and https://twitter.com/RxCalculations.

Dr. Michael Danquah
CEO Rxcalculations